Procedural Building Elevators Test – Part 1 [Atlantica Worlds]

Procedural Building Elevators

  • I'm testing the control panels for the elevators in my procedurally generated buildings.
  • The floor movement is not very smooth; I'll have to work on that at some point.
  • I should produce some boom bap hip hop beats for elevator music.

Procedural Building Elevators Test – Part 1 [Atlantica Worlds] by Heaven's Disciples Games

Spacefighter Interplanetary Flight Test 1 [Atlantica Worlds]

Interplanetary Flight Test

  • A spacefighter interplanetary flight test.
  • The water is not visible from space using the spacecraft's cameras. I'll need to work on the water LODs for that.
  • The camera doesn't reset when I switch from the spacecraft's gravity to a planet's gravity. I'll need to fix that also.

Spacefighter Interplanetary Flight Test 1 [Atlantica Worlds] by Heaven's Disciples Games