HD WordPress Website Updates for April 1, 2020

I've completed the Heaven's Disciples WordPress website updates for April 1, 2020. I updated all 65 public and private HD WordPress sites.

  • I updated all 65 websites from WordPress version 5.3.2 to version 5.4. I began with the HD Test site, which showed no obvious issues with the upgrade.
  • I updated 3 WordPress plugins on 56 websites.

Most of the WordPress 5.4 new features are related to the Gutenberg WordPress editor, which is not needed for Heaven's Disciples Media, but may be useful to our Web Hosting and Servers clients.

Website Header Widgets in the WordPress Theme

I've updated the Heaven's Disciples WordPress theme to include widgets in the website header area.

There is an optional top widget area that spans the width of the website content area. Beneath the top widget area are 3 optional widget areas as well.

I've also set up a workflow for automatically deploying the WordPress theme to all Heaven's Disciples websites automatically, whenever I successfully test a new build in the lab environments.