
The Insectasaurus is a blind chimerasaur, or chimera dinosaur, with DNA from a giganotosaurus and giant primeval insects. Although blind, an insectasaurus uses echolocation, like a bat, to navigate and has acutely heightened senses of smell and hearing.

Chimeras, in the Heaven's Disciples Universe, are modern and primeval animals infected with the chimeracyte virus. Chimeras and chimerasaurs can be found on numerous planetary and lunar worlds within the Atlantica System.


Chimerasaurus Rex (C-Rex)

The Chimerasaurus Rex, or C-Rex, is a chimera Tyrannosaurus Rex (T-Rex) with DNA from several species of dinosaurs and reptiles. Chimeras, in the Heaven's Disciples Universe, are modern and primeval animals infected with the chimeracyte virus. Chimeras and chimerasaurs can be found on numerous planetary and lunar worlds within the Atlantica System.