2020-08-16 DevLog

Heaven's Disciples WordPress Theme Update

Heaven's Disciples WordPress Theme Update

Heaven's Disciples WordPress theme update from version 0.1.3 to version 0.1.4. [Completed]


  • Create the "divider" shortcode.
  • Create the "code" shortcode.
  • Remove the vendors.min.css file and update the vendors.css file.
  • Update the vendors.css "<link>" tag in the HTML head section.
  • Add 1em space at the end of file in the footer section.

Heaven's Disciples WordPress Website Maintenance

WordPress Plugin Updates

Update 3 WordPress plugins on 25 websites. [Completed]

Heaven's Disciples ERP

Heaven's Disciples ERP Database

Build the Heaven's Disciples ERP MySQL database in phpMyAdmin. [Work in Progress]

  • Develop a PHP script to build the ERP MySQL database. [Work in Progress]