2020-09-17 DevLog

Heaven's Disciples WordPress Website Maintenance

WordPress Plugin Updates

Update 3 WordPress plugins on 70 websites. [Completed]

Update 2 WordPress plugins on 2 websites. [Completed]

Heaven's Disciples Universe

"Planet Hadea (Atlantica System)" Video

Create the "Planet Hadea (Atlantica System)" video. [Completed]

  • Record a video of Planet Hadea in Space Engine. [Completed]
  • Create the audio for the video in Adobe Audition. [Completed]
  • Edit and encode the video with the audio in Adobe Premiere. [Completed]

Share the video on Heaven's Disciples websites and social media channels. [Work in Progress]

"Planet Arctica (Atlantica System)" Video

Create the "Planet Hadea (Atlantica System)" video. [Completed]

  • Record a video of Planet Hadea in Space Engine. [Completed]
  • Create the audio for the video in Adobe Audition. [Completed]
  • Edit and encode the video with the audio in Adobe Premiere. [Completed]

Share the video on Heaven's Disciples websites and social media channels. [Work in Progress]